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Autumn 2024: Delayed Landings Thumbnail

Autumn 2024: Delayed Landings

We find ourselves in a period where sentiment could be aptly described by Charles Dickens’ classic line: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...” Today’s narratives are seemingly contrasting.

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Spring 2024: Growth Will Persist Thumbnail

Spring 2024: Growth Will Persist

A little over six years ago, renowned investor Warren Buffett made a bold prediction: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow) would reach the milestone of one million within 100 years. At first glance, his assertion appeared somewhat incredulous since the Dow was hovering around the 22,000 mark. Today, it stands close to the 39,000 level.

Winter 2023: Time - The Investor’s Great Ally Thumbnail

Winter 2023: Time - The Investor’s Great Ally

It has been said that “Time is the exponent that does the heavy lifting. The common denominator of almost all fortunes isn’t returns; it’s endurance and longevity.” As we look ahead to a new year, don’t overlook the impact of compounding and time on investing success.

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Autumn 2023: Lessons From Generational Resilience Thumbnail

Autumn 2023: Lessons From Generational Resilience

One of our modern-day challenges is that technology has ushered in an era of instant communication and connectivity that seems to amplify awareness and sensitivity. There is never a shortage of negative news and today is no exception. Despite economic resilience and growth that has exceeded expectations, we may be distracted by new uncertainties

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Summer 2023: Winning the Longevity Lottery Thumbnail

Summer 2023: Winning the Longevity Lottery

Many of us systematically understate our chances of living to age 75 by 10 percentage points or more. Yet, according to longevity researchers, those of us alive today have won a longevity lottery. We have been handed an extra 30 years of life compared to just 100 years ago.

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Spring 2023: Looking Beyond Today Thumbnail

Spring 2023: Looking Beyond Today

It has been said that change is the only constant, and the investing world is no exception. For more than a year, we’ve seen the effects of a rapid change in inflation and interest rates on the financial markets.

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Winter 2022: The Sun Also Rises  Thumbnail

Winter 2022: The Sun Also Rises

Investing is never a smooth road, and 2022 was a difficult reminder that the markets can go down just as they go up. Financial markets were largely challenged by the aggressive actions of central banks in raising rates in their attempt to combat high inflation; a stark contrast to the excessive exuberance of 2021.

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Fall 2022 - Dealing With Uncertainty Thumbnail

Fall 2022 - Dealing With Uncertainty

As the central banks continue to raise rates in their fight to curb inflation, many observers have pointed to the current outlook for the economy and financial markets as uncertain: Did the central banks wait too long to control inflation? Is a full-blown recession imminent?

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Summer 2022 - The Importance of Holding On Thumbnail

Summer 2022 - The Importance of Holding On

It has been difficult to find much market commentary that suggests positive developments in the financial and economic markets over recent times. The reasons are many: high and persistent inflation, more aggressive tightening policies by central banks and the prospect of recession. This has created significant uncertainty over the path forward...

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